The NAA Inspectors – Aircrew FSTD Training Course will explain the principles of the Basic Regulation (2018/1139) related to Aircrew-FSTD, Aircrew regulation No (EU) 1178/2011 and CS-FSTD.
It will address the relevant parts of Part-ARA and Part-ORA related to simulator qualification and operation, as well as the related AMC and GM. Also CS-FSTD will be discussed in detail.
In order to understand the relevant rules and common practices for EASA inspections, regulation 628/2013 will also be discussed.
To provide knowledge and understanding of the principles of the Basic Regulation (2018/1139) related to Aircrew-FSTD and addressing the relevant parts of Part-ARA and Part-ORA (1178/2011 including amendments) related to simulator qualification and operation.
Course Content
The following topics will be addressed, including all relevant AMC and GM from the ED decisions:
- Introduction
- Regulations
- Initial application of an organisation
- Determine the competent authority (CA)
- Application form from organisation to CA
- Review documentation and privileges
- Verify compliance
- Issue certificate
- Initial application for a device
- Application form received from operator
- Preparation by Competent Authority
- Verify organisations management system
- Review the draft MQTG
- Evaluation day
- Issue certificate
- Issue of certificate
- Interim qualification
- Template certificate
- Oversight and continuation
- Authority requirements oversight
- EASA standardisation regulations
- Changes to the organisation or device
- Configuration Control
- Special evaluations
- Changes to certificate
- • Findings and corrective actions
- Different levels
- Escalation ladder
- Revocation
- Record keeping
- List of FSTDs
- Records shared
- Oversight by EASA
Please note: A video presentation/guest speaker (as applicable) covering the QTG part of the course will be conducted by the instructor on one of the days, with an approximate duration of three hours.
Learning Objectives
After successful course completion, the NAA Inspectors shall be able to
- Identify and justify the findings with regard to Aircrew-FSTD, according to the European regulatory framework currently in place.
- Identify the parts of the basic regulation related to Aircrew-FSTD and the relevant parts of 1178/2011 with its amendments.
- Know the basics of organisational requirements for authorities and operators.
- Identify applicability of CS-FSTD to simulators and operators.
- Understand the requirements for the QTG qualification tests described in CS-STD.
- Understand the specifics of visual, motion and sound requirements as they are simulator unique.
- Characterize a QTG: What should be in it, examples and issues like engineering tolerances, etc.
- Identify the importance of updating, upgrading, modifications.
- Understand the concepts of Grandfather rights, Approved Use, Simulator Certificates.
Who should take this course
- Simulator evaluators who are not familiar with evaluations and want to prepare for this.
- Simulator evaluators who have to oversee a compliance system.
- Simulator evaluators who are not familiar with quality/compliance systems.
No previous experience with CS-FSTD or simulator operation is necessary, but desirable to obtain the most benefit from the course, and attendees are requested to familiarize themselves with the Basic Regulation and the Commission Implementing Regulation EU 628/2013.
Training course delivery will be in the English Language.
Three Days:
Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00 hrs.
Day 2: 09:00 – 17:00 hrs.
Day 3: 09:00 – 17:00 hrs.