This auditing techniques course provides participants with the basic skills, knowledge and attitudes to support an organisation's compliance monitoring processes. This course aims to review and improve participants’ auditing techniques by re-visiting previous training elements and, additionally, addresses performance-based auditing and risk-assessing findings.
This is a recurrent course designed to review and enhance auditing techniques.
Over time, in fact, auditing skills may not develop to the necessary level for fully effective auditing, or auditors may adopt bad practices that significantly reduce the effectiveness of audit activities. Furthermore, new best practices may have emerged that auditors are unaware of, making it essential to refresh and update their knowledge regularly
This course aims to review and improve auditing techniques of auditors by re-visiting previous training elements and addressing performance-based auditing and risk-assessing findings.
Course Content
Module 1 – Introduction
A. Why perform audits?
B. Process based management
D. ISO and Deming cycle
E. Compliance monitoring versus quality
Module 2 – EASA & the management system principle
A. Introduction of the EASA management system and the requirements for Compliance Monitoring
B. Organisational organograms and the key principles
C. The EASA management System and an integration of Management Systems
D. Compliance and performance auditing
E. MSAT 2023 & IMS
Module 3 – Ground rules for performance based auditing
A. MSAT 2023
B. Desired outcomes & targets
C. Safety risk management & indicators
Module 4 – The Audit Process
A. The components of the audit process
B. Principles of auditing
Module 4a – The Audit Process: preparation
A. Reasons for initiating an audit
B. Audit programme
C. Audit types
D. Difference between audits and inspections
E. Purpose and scope of the audit
F. Audit criteria
G. Auditors selection
Module 4b – The Audit Process: Initialisation
A. Audit Plan
B. Audit Schedule
C. Announcement to the auditee
D. The Audit check list
Module 4c – The Audit Process: Execution
A. Opening meeting
B. Audit techniques and investigative skills
C. Objective evidence
D. Evaluating audit results
E. Taking notes
F. Audit interview
Module 4d – The Audit Process: Audit Reporting
A. Writing audit findings
B. Non-conformity classification
C. Finding risk assessment
D. Closing meeting
E. The audit report
Module 4e – The Audit Process: Follow up
A. Correction and corrective action
B. Root cause analysis
C. Closing the finding
G. Overdue finding
H. Retention of docuemtnsdocuments
I. Confidentialityo
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will have a renewed understanding fo the audit process and be able to:
- Understand the principles of auditing
- Understand the different types of audits
- Select the correct type of audit for the occasion
- Understand performance- based auditing to be able to apply it
- Make an audit plan
- Make an audit checklist
- Make an audit schedule
- Conduct an audit
- Understand audit processes and procedures
- Write audit findings
- Debrief auditees
- Risk- classify findings
Who should take this course
- Aviation Auditors and Aviation Lead Auditors that would like to refresh their auditing technique knowledge.
- In particular, this course is directed to those Auditing Professionals who have previously attended one of the JAA TO range of auditor training courses, or other internationally recognized auditor training programmes/have several years of audit experience, and who wish to update their competences in relation to current audit ‘best practices’ in auditing techniques.
A basic understanding of auditing techniques together with a minimum of 12 months of practical auditing experience in an aviation environment.
2 Days: 09:00 – 17:00 hrs.