The aim of the course is to equip trainees with the competencies to effectively perform the role of an aviation auditor in an Aerodrome Environment.
This course aims to offer practical training in compliance monitoring techniques. This training will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to conduct efficient audits of various systems, procedures, processes and corresponding management structures in an Aerodrome Environment, thereby supporting business goals.
Course Content
Module 1 – Introduction
A. What is compliance monitoring in aviation?
B. What is an audit and why perform audits?
D. Compliance monitoring versus quality
Module 2 – EASA & the management system principle
A. Introduction of the EASA management system and the requirements for Compliance Monitoring
B. Organisational organograms and the key principles
C. The EASA management System and an integration of Management Systems
D. Compliance and performance oversight
E. Business objectives, key performance indicators and process design
Module 3 – The Audit Process
A. The components of the audit process
B. What makes a good auditor?
Module 3a – The Audit Process: preparation
A. Reasons for initiating an audit
B. Audit programme
C. A Risk based approach…
D. Difference between audits and inspections
E. Purpose and scope of the audit
F. Audit criteria
G. Auditors sselection
Module 3b – The Audit Process: Initialisation
A. Audit Plan
B. Audit Schedule
C. Presentation of a case
D. Announcement to the auditee
E. The Audit check list
Module 3c – The Audit Process: Execution
A. Audit techniques and investigative skills
B. Objective evidence
C. Evaluating audit results
D. Taking notes
Module 3d – The Audit Process: Report
A. Writing audit findings
B. Non-conformity classification
C. The audit report
Module 3e – The Audit Process: Follow up
A. Correction and corrective action
B. Closing the finding
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course participants will have a general understanding of the audit process in an Aerodrome Environment, and will be able to:
- Make an audit plan
- Make an audit check list
- Make an audit schedule
- Audit processes and procedures
- Write audit findings
- Debrief auditees
- Write an audit report
Who should take this course
This course will be of benefit to future auditors with an Aerodrome background and working area of expertise.
This course covers auditing techniques for those who are relatively new to auditing. If you’re already an experienced auditor but new to the area of Aerodromes, a regulatory course on Part Aerodrome would be more appropriate. Or, take this course instead of a recurrent auditing techniques course.
Essential: keen interest in the subject, a background or experience in an operational aviation area.
No previous experience in auditing is necessary.
3 Days: 09:00 – 17:00 hrs.