This course provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively navigate the certification and oversight processes for aerodromes.
Aerodromes are complex entities, and aerodrome operators must have a certificate. Certification is therefore a key task of any Competent Authority. Additionally, oversight is also another vital aspect.
This course explains the principles and procedures for certification and oversight of aerodromes, as viewed from both the Authority side and the Applicant’s side.
As some of the same principles apply to change management, this issue will also be discussed in the course.
Finally, during the certification and oversight processes, one can come across the need to use one or more flexibility mechanisms, so this aspect will also be covered during the training.
The course also incorporates examples and practical hints to enhance learning.
Course Content
- Introduction
- The Total Aviation System*
- EU 139/2014 with CS ADR-DSN and CS HPT*
- EU 2017/373 * and 923/2012*
- Oversight and Audit Management
- The Aerodrome Manual – in a certification context*
- Certification – Principles
- Certification – Procedures
- Management of Change
- Non-Conformities and Flexibility mechanisms
- Practical hints and examples
- Audits – a short refresher
- Audit Questions – Principles and examples
- Risk assessment
- Organisation of aerodromes*
- Management systems *
* Highlights related to certification and oversight only
Learning Objectives
Thanks to this course, participants will obtain an improved understanding of the principles, procedures and requirements related to the certification process.
More specifically, upon course completion, participants will be able to:
- Understand the importance of applying a multidiciplinary approach to certification and oversight.
- Identify the similarities and differences between the certification, change management and contnued oversight processes.
- Acquire the foundational knowledge necessary to initiate the development of an Aerodrome Certification and ongoing oversight process in accordance with Implementing Rules, incorporating audit methodologies to validate the efficacy of Aerodrome Management Systems.
- Select the appropriate flexibility mechanisms, if needed, during the certification and oversight processes
- Interpret the audit corrective action procedure, including root cause analysis, and formulate strategies for executing follow-up actions to confirm the successful implementation of corrective actions.
- Participate effectiveliy in processes for organizing and executing an audit oversight program, demonstrating the confidence and competence to plan audits assessing Aerodrome compliance with pertinent regulations.
- Evaluate the process for addressing changes in Aerodrome infrastructure and operations through regulatory oversight mechanisms.
Who should take this course
- Aerodrome inspectors
- Other personnel involved in certification processes (ATS inspectors, Legal advisors)
Aerodrome operators:
- Personnel engaged in certification or management of change processes.
Aerodrome inspector:
- Basic training or similar
- Or, at least an auditing technique, Aerodromes course and knowledge of EU 139/2014 and CS – ADR.DSN
Aerodrome Opertor staff:
- Knowledge of EU 139/201 and preferably some experience from an aerodrome
4, Four days | 09:00 till 17:00