This course aims to prepare aviation auditors for the next step in their career: being a lead auditor and leading multi disciplinary teams and external audits.
This course aims to provide auditors with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to succesfully organise and lead (multi disciplinary) audit teams in audits of internal procedures and processes, but especially in audits of suppliers and other external parties. This will ensure that contracts, SLA’s, regulations and other standards are met.
The initial auditing techiques course focuses on how to audit, how to interview, how to write findings, and how to close findings. This course goes one step further and not only helps the auditor to refine the skills of the previous course but also provide participants with the skills to organise and manage these (internal but especially external) audits and audit teams to reach a succesful outcome.
Course Content
Module 1 – Introduction
A. What is compliance monitoring in aviation?
B. What is an audit and why perform audits?
D. Deming cycle
E. ISO Quality management system
F. Compliance monitoring versus quality
Module 2 – EASA & the management system principle
A. Introduction of the EASA management system and the requirements for Compliance Monitoring
B. Organisational organograms and the key principles
C. EASA Roles and Positions
D. The EASA management System and an integration of Management Systems
E. Compliance and performance oversight
F. Business objectives, key performance indicators and process design
Module 3 – The Audit Process
A. ISO Principles of auditing
B. The components of the audit process
Module 3a – The Audit Process: preparation
A. Reasons for initiating an audit
B. Audit programme
C. Difference between audits and inspections
D. Purpose and scope of the audit
E. Audit programme
F. Improving the audit programme
G. A risk based approach…
H. Prupose and scope of the audit
I. The audit criteria
J. The audit team
K. Different types of audits
Module 3b – The Audit Process: Initialisation
A. Initiating an audit
B. The first team meeting
C. Contact with the auditee
D. Audit Plan
E. Audit Schedule
F. Team meetings
G. Presentation of a case
H. Exercise: make an audit plan and schedule
I. Announcement to the auditee
J. The Audit check list
K. Make an audit check list for an interview
L. Guide person
Module 3c – The Audit Process: Execution
A. Opening meeting
B. Conduct an Opening meeting
C. Audit techniques and investigative skills
D. Interviews
E. Note taking
F. Objective evidence
G. Evaluating audit results
H. Findings
I. Taking notes
J. Audit interview
Module 3d – The Audit Process: Report
A. Writing audit findings
B. Non-conformity classification
C. The audit report
D. Write findings
E. Closing meeting
F. Prepare and conduct closing meeting
Module 3e – The Audit Process: Follow up
A. Correction and corrective action
B. Closing the finding
C. Follow up
D. Overdue findings
E. The last team meeting
F. Summary
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- Develop Audit plans utilising a Risk-based audit strategy.
- Make a strategy for and manage auditing suppliers.
- Audit new suppliers.
- Risk assess audit findings connected to the new suppliers
- Conduct opening meetings, closing meetings, team meetings.
- Lead a multi disciplinairy audit team.
- Know tools and techniques for root cause analysis.
Who should take this course
Experienced Aviation Auditors with background or experience in an operational aviation area who would like to take the next step and:
- lead multi-disciplinary teams;
- carry out external audits;
- are willing to enhance their auditing skills;
- are willing to upgrade their career.
- Participants need to have a background or experience in an operational aviation area.
- Participants need to be aviation auditors and have completed an initial Auditing techniques course.
5 Days: 09:00 – 17:00 hrs.