This course is designed to enable participants to evaluate their own knowledge and skills as trainers and adapt their attitudes and abilities to deliver effective training sessions. Participants will learn how to apply an individualized and adaptive approach to training by understanding the changing workforce demographic and recognizing different learning styles. The course will emphasize the alignment between effective trainers and effective leaders, highlighting the qualities required for both roles.

Course Content
- Understanding the role of the trainer as a leader within the business.
- Exploring the relationship between effective trainers and effective leadership.
- Developing emotional intelligence (EQ) and its impact on training effectiveness.
- Effective communication and engagement strategies with adult learners.
- Providing constructive feedback and managing participants through conflict resolution.
- Principles of effective lesson/session planning.
- Designing comprehensive lesson/session plans that cater to different learning styles.
- Incorporating interactive and engaging activities into training sessions.
- Utilizing appropriate tools and technology (e.g., Kahoot!, Poll Everywhere) to enhance learning experiences.
- Assessing individual competences and creating balanced workgroups.
- Continuous feedback and leadership roles within group exercises.
- Incorporating elements of fun and interactive activities throughout the training.
- Summative evaluations through group activities, discussions, and quizzes.
- Formative evaluation and peer/ACI Facilitator feedback during the first lesson delivery.
- Individual reflections and improvement based on feedback for the final day's lesson delivery.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Assess their own competences as trainers and identify areas for improvement.
- Apply an individualized and adaptive approach to training based on understanding different learning styles.
- Demonstrate effective leadership qualities and skills in the context of training.
- Utilize emotional intelligence, problem-solving, coaching, teamwork, multitasking, and a desire for learning as attributes of effective trainers and leaders.
- Effectively communicate and engage with adult learners.
- Provide constructive feedback and manage participants through conflict resolution.
- Create and deliver comprehensive lesson/session plans that adhere to the principles of effective training.
- Reflect on their own attitudes, abilities, and reflections regarding the course topics and apply them effectively.
- Manage challenging situations during training sessions to showcase leadership qualities.
- Incorporate feedback from peers and the ACI Facilitator to improve their training delivery.
Who should take this course
- Newly hired instructors who will soon lead classroom instruction.
- Experienced instructors wishing to refresh and improve their instructional skills.
- Training managers or supervisors who oversee classroom instruction.
- Designers not familiar with classroom instruction.
5 Days, starting at 09:00 and finishing at approximately 17:00.