Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) analyses the importance of the relationships between airport operators, airlines, ground handlers and air traffic controllers working together to improve decision making, thereby reducing delays and enhancing efficiency. The focus of A-CDM is for all airport partners to share information, so that each organization has a more complete operational picture, enabling the effective and timely resolution of issues. The course demonstrates how A-CDM can achieve improvements in flow control and optimise capacity of runways, terminals, gates and airspace.
Note: ACI Members and Least Developed Countries (Members) are eligible for discounts on course tuition which will be processed during registration. Please contact our Training Department via More membership details here.

Course Content
- Roles of the principal actors within the civil aviation community
- Context framework applicable to A-CDM
- Scalable implementation of A-CDM to achieve strategic objectives
- Setting up an A-CDM project adapted to the local and regional needs
- Implementing A-CDM
- Risks and Mitigations
- Success Measures: Objectives – Set, Implement, Validate, Review
- A-CDM and Adverse Conditions
- Group exercises
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the fundamentals of A-CDM in the broad context of civil aviation
- Describe the benefits of collaborative decision making in general
- Define A-CDM as it applies to the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and its Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs)
- Gain a general awareness of potential benefits of A-CDM seen as turnaround management and coordination
- Outline the information exchange processes needed for A-CDM
- Discuss irregular operations and their applicability to A-CDM
- List the steps required to implement an operational change such as A-CDM
- Discuss the potential benefits of evolving turnaround management to include other airport processes
- Describe the safety management aspect of implementing A-CDM
- Explain the processes and benefits of post implementation reviews
Who should take this course
- Airport Operations Directors, Managers, Officers and Staff
- Airport Safety Managers, Officers and Staff
- Airline and Ground Handling Management
- Air Navigation Service Providers Officials
5 Days, starting at 09:00 and finishing at approximately 17:00.