Assisted Travel (PRM Assistance) Managers Course

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
Dates not yet confirmed
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€ 1780.00

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We are facing an increasingly varied mix of passengers with different needs and abilities. So, it is vital that all staff working in the aviation sector should be well-equipped to deliver the most appropriate service to their passengers, by receiving quality training to enable them to become more disability confident.

In our training sessions, we focus on the diversity of needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility. Although it is not possible to cover each individual case, we teach to understand patterns and put the focus on communication. Both communication and attitude are essential tools to succeed and excel in passenger services. Due to the diverse nature of the needs of people with hidden disabilities, and because the disabilities may not be immediately obvious, it is important that the travel industry make correct decisions to assist persons with hidden disabilities. It is highly important to make informed decisions. It is important to remember that the aim of all regulations linked to the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when travelling by air is to ensure that disabled people have the same opportunities for air travel as non-disabled people, in particular, that they have the same rights to free movement, freedom of choice and non-discrimination.

Course Content

1. Legal requirements, Guidelines and Best practices in support of PRM assistance;

  • Legal requirements according to EC1107/2006, Interpretative guidelines EC1107/2006:
  • Application of ECAC DOC 30 Part 1, Section 5.
  • Impact of USA Air Access Act on EU PRM assistance operations
  • IATA GHM, Resolution 700, Assistance Manual
  • ICAO Annex 9

2. Demographics and statistics of existing and potential growth of customers who require assistance

3. Analysis of ECAC DOC 30, Part 1, Section 5, Annex 5-L containing airport and airline assessment matrix to be used by National Enforcement Bodies (NEBs);

4. Insights in ACI Airports and Persons with Disabilities Handbook 2018;

5. Disability awareness (as prescribed in ECAC Doc 30, Part 1, Section 5, Annex 5-G);

6. Communication with Persons with Reduced Mobility and Persons with Disabilities;

7. Understanding the air travel journey from the perspective of a Person with Reduced Mobility;

8. Health and safety requirements of PRM assistance provider (e.g. lifting of passengers, blind guidance)

9. Service provision quality monitoring methods, customer satisfaction measurements in place

10. Effective collaboration with other stakeholders providing PRM assistance services.

Learning Objectives

This course will include and teach you how to:

  • Understand and interpret in details aspects of current PRM assistance legal and best practice documents (European, American and worldwide);
  • Create and evaluate quality standards of an airport (service level agreements to third parties; data collection of PRM assistance provision; level of satisfaction monitoring tools; means of monitoring on-time performance, etc.);
  • Calculate PRM assistance charge (calculation; cost-related and transparent clause; reporting)
  • Implement and manage step-by-step PRM assistance stages at an airport;
  • Set and monitor training standards;
  • Better appreciate the varying and wide-ranging requirements of PRMs including those with mobility, hearing, visual and cognitive impairments;
  • Appreciate the value and importance of protecting PRMs mobility equipment;
  • Reduce passenger misunderstanding and disappointment - which can so often result in formal complaints - by applying the “human factor” to managing PRM assistance;
  • Consider the best ways to address PRM complaints, should they occur;
  • Appreciate the importance of IT software systems in the coordination of PRM assistance (best practice examples).

Who should take this course

Any manager or duty manager whose sphere of responsibility may cover the PRM/Assisted travel area within the airport environment.


An understanding of PRM services, activities and responsibilities.

Certificate and Examination


Only after successfully completing the online examination, a certificate of accomplishment will be issued to the participants.


3 Days, starting at 09:00 and finalizing at approximately 16:30.

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
Dates not yet confirmed
€ 1780.00

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