Inspection and Auditing of Assisted travel (PRM Assistance) for CAA/NEB Staff

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
28 - 31 October 2024 Available
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€ 2150.00


This training course is exclusively built for National Enforcement Body personnel responsible for the implementation, guidance and enforcement of requirements concerning the rights of people with disabilities and reduced mobility when using air transport.

Course Content


a. Legal requirements according to EC1107/2006, Interpretative guidelines EC1107/2006:

  • Detailed focus on airport responsibilities,
  • Detailed focus on airline responsibilities.

b. Application of ECAC DOC 30 Part 1, Section 5.

c. Impact of USA Air Access Act on EU PRM assistance operations

d. IATA GHM, Resolution 700, Assistance Manual

e. ICAO Annex 9

f. Demographics and statistics of existing and potential growth of customers who require assistance

g. Barriers customers with disabilities are facing when using air transport

h. Disability awareness covering, including ways how to observe assistance of PRM assistance provider and spot good and bad behaviours/application of these skills:

  • Physical disabilities;
  • Sensory disabilities;
  • Hidden disabilities.


a. Passengers data and statistics (monthly, yearly, by category)

b. Airport quality standards, SLAs based on quality standards, compliance with quality standards

c. PRM assistance operators Standard Operations Manual (content items to be covered in this document)

d. PRM assistance charge calculation process, relevance, transparency, reporting to AUC and CAA

e. Training (content and records of training, refresher training)

f. Disability awareness level of security and immigration staff

g. Disability awareness level of retail staff

h. PRM assistance provider’s equipment (requirements, safety of operations)

i. Provision of information on Airport’s website (content, accessibility)

j. Health and safety requirements of PRM assistance provider (e.g. lifting of passengers, blind guidance)

k. Service provision quality monitoring methods, customer satisfaction measurements in place (internal, external)

l. Accessibility of airport facilities (including call points outside terminal building)

m. Waiting areas for PRM customers (facilities available as changing places, silent rooms, sensory rooms)

n. Provision of information in accessible formats

o. Wayfinding at airport (signage, tactile paths)

p. Facilities and solutions in place providing customer high level of independence while travelling through airport

q. Compliance with EC 1107/2006, Annex II requirements (assistance provision at all airport touchpoints)

r. Staff performance in operations (how to observe live operations)

s. Availability of solution for assistance dogs/animals land side and air side

t. Availability of emergency procedures in case of airport (have PRM customers been included in evacuation processes and assigned responsibilities)

u. Complaints handling procedure, registry of complaints

v. Temporary replacement of damaged or lost mobility equipment

w. Involvement of organisation representing people with disabilities in major decision making (revision of quality standards, location of call points, training, planning new facilities, etc.)


a. Availability of information on Airline’s website (how to book assistance) and accessibility of website

b. Provision of alternative options on booking assistance

c. Can a customer book assistance during flight booking, clarity of the booking process

d. Transmission of information to involved airports (correct methods implied in line with IATA AHM and GHM)

e. Training of airline staff (check-in, gate staff, cabin crew, Ground Handling staff)

f. Safe handling procedures of mobility equipment

g. Compensation of damaged or lost mobility equipment

h. Content of airline’s Ground Handling Manual on PRM handling

i. Acceptance of mobility equipment, medical equipment on board flight

j. Refusal of travel – reasons, actions, legality of application.

k. Complaints handling procedure, records of complaints by categories

l. Amount of PRM related delays, reasons for delays

m. Process in place for disrupted flights (delays, cancellations)

n. Limitation of PRMs on board an aircraft

o. Safety briefings for deaf and vision impaired passengers

p. Safety requirements towards PMS and when accompanying person may be requested

q. Seating allocation of PRM customers

r. Availability of on-board wheelchairs and moving customers to on-board toilet facilities

s. Acceptance of assistance dogs on-board aircraft

t. Entertainment on board aircraft and accessibility of it

u. Mobility equipment of customers – what should be in place to maintain safe handling and transportation

v. Procedures in place for emergency evacuation case


Creating high level primary (based on EC 1107/2006) and secondary (based on ECAC DOC 30, Part 1, Section 5) assessment lists for airport and airline audits.

Learning Objectives

This course will include and teach you how to:

  • Understand and interpret in details aspects of current PRM assistance legal and best practice documents illustrated by case studies;
  • Assess quality standards of an airport (service level agreements to third parties; data collection of PRM assistance provision; level of satisfaction monitoring tools; means of monitoring on time performance, etc.);
  • Assess airport calculated PRM assistance charge (calculation; cost-related and transparent clause; reporting);
  • Evaluate processes in place concerning all PRM assistance stages at an airport;
  • Assess training standards of airports, PRM providers and airlines;
  • Analyse complaints and claims received from PRM customers;
  • Assess legal requirements towards airlines and Ground Handling providers.

Who should take this course

  • Representatives (inspectors) of National Enforcement Bodies or CAA assigned to enforce EC1107/2006 Regulation requirements in EU Member states (plus UK, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland);
  • Representatives (inspectors) of CAA of 44 ECAC Member states responsible for implementation of recommended practice stated in ECAC DOC30, Part 1, Section 5;
  • Representatives of any other CAA i.e. AFCAC, ACAC who follows International guidelines and recommended practices to provide equal access to air transportation for people with disabilities and reduced mobility.


An understanding of PRM services, activities and responsibilities when viewed from within CAA/NEB or airport environment.

Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop to the course to access training course material which will only be provided in electronic format.

Training course delivery will be in the English Language.


4 Days, starting at 09:00 and finishing at approximately 16:30.

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
28 - 31 October 2024 Available
€ 2150.00