This course is delivered in cooperation with Search and Rescue International (Ltd).
A three-day workshop offering competent authorities/national aviation authorities the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in order to produce national legislation or guidelines for the State activity of search and rescue.
Course Content
A series of course modules combining instruction and faciliation on the following areas:
General requirements
- Helicopter Airworthiness
- Helicopter SAR Operations
- Specific Approvals
- National SAR Approval
- Additional Approvals
- Dangerous Goods (DG) Approval
- Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) Approval
- Flight Time Limitations (FTL) Approval
- Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) Approval
- Helicopter Hoist Operations (HHO) Approval
- Helicopter Offshore Operations (HOFO) Approval
- Low Visibility Operations (LVO) Approval
- Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) Approval
Operating requirements
- Operations Manual
- Helicopter Performance Requirements
- SAR Crew
- SAR Operating Minima
- Fuel Policy
- Refuelling with Passengers on Board
- SAR Role and Medical Equipment
- Helicopter Communication Equipment
- SAR Operating Base Facilities
- SAR Flights at Certified and Licensed Aerodromes Out of Hours (OOH)
- SAR Flights at Unlicensed Airfields and Remote Operating Sites
- Passenger Safety
Training and checking
- Training and Checking Programme
- SAR Flight Crew
- SAR Technical Crew
- SAR Technical Crew Instructors and Examiners
- SAR Technical Crew Medical Standards
- SAR Passengers
- SAR Service Personnel
Learning Objectives
Delegates will learn to assist a Competent Authority/National Aviation Authority in developing relevant and robust national regulations/guidelines for search and rescue operations and training in line with international obligations and conventions.
Who should take this course
Government departments for transport, competent authorities/national aviation authorities
NAA staff conversant with national aviation regulations
Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop to the course to access course material which will only be provided in electronic format.
3 days, starting at 09:00 each day and finalizing at approximately 17:00 on the last day.