NAA Inspectors - Aircrew FSTD

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Virtual
Dates not yet confirmed
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
25 - 28 November 2024 Limited
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€ 2080.00


This course will explain the principles of the (New) Basic Regulation (2018/1139) related to Aircrew-FSTD.

It will address the relevant parts of PART ARA and ORA (1178/2011 with its amendments) related to simulator qualification and operation, as well as the related AMC and GM. Also, CS-FSTD will be discussed in detail.

In order to implement all the rules and common practices for inspection, regulation 628/2013 will also be discussed.

Course Content

The following topics will be addressed, including all relevant AMC and GM from the ED decisions:

Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/1139

  • Chapter I: PRINCIPLES
  • Article 2 Scope
  • Article 3 Definitions
  • Article 20 Essential requirements
  • Article 21 Pilots
  • Article 23 Implementing acts as regards pilots and cabin crew
  • Article 25 – Flight simulation training devices
  • Article 62 Certification, oversight and enforcement
  • Article 78 Aircrew certification
  • Article 85 Monitoring of Member States
  • Article 95 Staff
  • Article 139 Repeal
  • Article 140 Transitional provisions
  • Article 141 Entry into force


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 628/2013 of 28 June 2013 on working methods of the European Aviation Safety Agency for conducting

Standardisation inspections and for monitoring the application of the rules of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 736/2006.

  • Article 1 - 27

Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and its amendments.

  • Article 11b – Oversight capabilities
  • Annex VI – PART ARA
  • Subpart GEN – General requirements
  • ARA.GEN.120 Means of Compliance
  • ARA.GEN.200 Management system
  • ARA.GEN.205 Allocation of tasks to qualified entities
  • ARA.GEN.220 Record-keeping
  • ARA.GEN.300 Oversight
  • ARA.GEN.305 Oversight programme. The oversight program and its allowed extended oversight possibilities will be discussed.
  • ARA.GEN.330 Changes – organizations. Timely informing the authorities of changes in the organization and how to react to them
  • ARA.GEN.350 Findings and corrective actions – organizations. Level I, II findings will be discussed, examples will be shown, corrective action plans and the time in which all should be solved.
  • Subpart FSTD – Specific requirements related to the qualification of flight simulation training devices (FSTDs)
  • ARA.FSTD.100 Initial evaluation procedure.
  • How to evaluate the simulator (for operators and authorities), Evaluation team composition (requirements on experience, type rating, etc), Operator preparation (paperwork, QTG preparation), Evaluation itself (Subjective evaluation, preliminary report, findings), and Follow up (First operator response to report, reruns, etc).
  • ARA.FSTD.115 Interim FSTD qualification. This is only applicable to new aircraft programmes. Requirements for the totals process will be discussed (involvement of all parties, obligation to timely update to final data, etc).
  • ARA.FSTD.120 Continuation of an FSTD qualification. The oversight program will be discussed (possible extensions, operator organization audit schedule versus FSTD audit schedule, as well as the requirements to continue the qualification (QTG run progressively and matches the MQTG, a configuration system is in place)
  • ARA.FSTD.135 Findings and corrective actions — FSTD qualification certificate. When to revoke or suspend the Certificate.
  • ARA.FSTD.140 Record keeping
  • Annex VII – PART ORA
  • Subpart GEN – General requirements
  • ORA.GEN.105 Competent authority. Operator and FSTD location will determine who is responsible for the qualification. Qualified entities will be discussed as well.
  • ORA.GEN.120 Means of compliance. Alternate means of compliance and it implications will be discussed.
  • ORA.GEN.155 Implementation safety matters and safety information. All operators should take immediate action
    • ORA.GEN.160 Occurrence reporting. When a safety issue is identified, the authorities should be informed, as well as the manufacturers if applicable within 72 hours.
    • ORA.GEN.200 Management system. Compliance Monitoring and Safety System setup and contents.
    • EASA requirements translated to Safety and Compliance Monitoring System, Example of the system documentation, Auditing/auditors/postholders, Safety and efficiency
    • Subpart FSTD – Requirements for organisations operating flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) and the qualification of FSTDs
    • ORA.FSTD.100 General. Management systems are discussed with ORA.GEN.200
    • ORA.FSTD.105 Maintaining the FSTD qualification.
    • The QTG process will be discussed in detail. QTG should be run progress during the year, Functions and subjective tests as well. A configuration system shall be in place in order to determine all changes to the hardware and software used in the simulation. It should be well documented in order to be able to determine which software of hardware item fails during the qualification tests.
    • ORA.FSTD.110 Modifications
    • All modifications important to training, testing and checking shall be introduced in the simulation. Grandfather rights, changed QTG tests, and approval by the authorities (timely informing them) will also be discussed. The importance of updating and upgrading as well as the link with manufacturers for AD’s, safety issues, datapackage sofware updates will be discussed.

    • All CS-FSTD articles will be discussed as well as the relevant articles from part ORA and part ARA
    • How to evaluate the simulator for operators and authorities
    • Evaluation team composition (requirements on experience, type rating, etc).
    • Operator preparation (paperwork, QTG preparation).
    • Evaluation itself (Subjective evaluation, preliminary report, findings)
    • Follow up (First operator response to report, reruns, etc)
    • The related documents
    • Simulator Certificate.
    • User approvals and their relation to the evaluated simulator.
    • Correspondence with authorities (request evaluation, response to evaluation findings)
    • QTG requirements and good practices.
    • What is a QTG case
    • How to prepare for QTG runs
    • How should it be run
    • Importance of a Master QTG
    • Living QTG set due to updating process of a simulator during its lifetime
    • Importance of a validation roadmap and flight test data

    NB: Please note this course does not address helicopter-related subjects or issues. 

  • Proposed activities

    Case studies:

    • Examples of QTG cases outside tolerances will be judged by the participants. A simulator is qualified both objectively and subjectively.
    • Take-off and landing QTG tests will be discussed and explained in detail as a case study, i.e. factors which influence take-offs and landings and whether simulated and tuned correctly (ground effect, gear touch-down moments, spoiler pitch-up effect, elevator tolerances, etc)

    • A330 example of N-1 go-around not being correctly simulated by Airbus and how to address this finding, evaluate the correspondence with the manufacturer and how to implement its solution.


Learning Objectives

After successful course completion, the NAA Inspectors shall be able to

  • Identify and justify the findings with regard to Aircrew-FSTD, according to the European regulatory framework currently in place.
  • Identify the parts of the basic regulation related to Aircrew-FSTD and the relevant parts of 1178/2011 with its amendments.
  • Relate Regulations 628/2013 and 736/2006 with regard to auditing, preparation and follow-up, findings as well as the standard procedures to be followed during inspections and qualifications.
  • Know the basics of organisational requirements for authorities and operators.
  • Identify the applicability of  CS-FSTD to simulators and operators.
  • Understand the requirements for the QTG qualification tests described in CS-FSTD as influenced by CCA, normal vs non-normal, etc.
  • Understand the specifics of visual, motion and sound requirements as they are simulator unique.
  • Characterize a QTG: What should be in it, examples and issues like engineering tolerances, etc
  • Identify the importance of updating, upgrading, and modifications.
  • Understand the concepts of Grandfather rights, Approved Use, and Simulator Certificates.

Who should take this course

  • Simulator operators and evaluators who are not familiar with evaluations and want to prepare for this.
  • Simulator operators who have to establish or improve their quality system.
  • Simulator evaluators who are not familiar with quality systems.

NB: This course is NOT for helicopter operators.


No previous experience with CS-FSTD or simulator operation is necessary.

Attendees are requested to familiarise themselves with the Basic Regulation and the Commission Implementing Regulation EU 628/2013


4 days - each day will commence at 09.00 and finish at approx. 17.00, with appropriate refreshment breaks.

An optional JAA TO examination is available for this course. Candidates who pass a JAA TO Examination, receive an ECAC/JAA TO Certificate of Accomplishment.

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Virtual
Dates not yet confirmed
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
25 - 28 November 2024 Limited
€ 2080.00