CAA: do you know the GSI training?

The ICAO GSI instructor talks about the importance of CAAs completing the GSI training courses

JAA TO, 01 July 2018, The Netherlands

Mr. Astre, the instructor of the training course “ICAO GSI Operations – Air Operator Certification – 18700”, which took place for the first time at JAA TO on 4 to 20 June, gave us an interview. He alerts CAAs about the importance of the GSI training courses.

JAA TO: What is the ICAO’s GSI training course 18700 about?

Astre: “The training course “ICAO GSI Operations – Air Operator Certification – 18700” was designed for operations inspectors about the five-phase certification process required by ICAO and its standards and recommended practices. And the course is designed to show CAA’s inspectors who may have never certified an air operator before how it is done, in a simple five steps process.

JAA TO: What is the duration of this course?

Astre: “The course is 19 modules long, two and a half weeks long, but, at the end, CAA’s operations inspectors will feel comfortable if they are presented with an air operator certification and how it is done and they will have the knowledge and the background to proceed with the five-phases process.

JAA TO: Is there a need in the market for this course?

Astre: “There is a need for this course because the industry through all the world has a major problem with many countries which are not familiar with the five-phase process and air operators have been certified in a manner which they may not meet all the regulatory requirements of their own country not to mention meeting all the standards contained in the ICAO’s annexes. So, as a result, this course was developed for the purpose of making sure that operations inspectors from different civil aviation authorities will be able to go to a course that will provide them with the knowledge and the background to actually accomplish a five-phase certification process.

JAA TO: What has been the consequences of this attitude in the market?

Astre: The consequence has been that air operators have been certified improperly or not completely, resulting in compromises in aviation safety. As a result, the course was developed, so we could basically ensure that air operators around the world use a standardized process and to ensure safety of society by making sure a complete certification was done, which ensures that all the regulatory requirements are met, that all the safety standards are met, and that all the international standards are met.

JAA TO: Who is delivering the training?

Astre: I’m one of the instructors. I have been teaching this course for many years now and also assisted in the development of it. I’m very proud to teach this course as an instructor.

JAA TO: Who is welcome to this course?

Astre: I would invite any of you who feel that you would need to know about the five-phase process and how it works to take this course. It will be to your advantage and you will learn a lot of information, not just about the five-phase process, but also in terms of standards and recommended practices from ICAO as well. I’m sure you will not be disappointed.

Watch the interview at the JAA TO YouTube channel.

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Would you like to learn more about the training? Please visit the course page