A Decade of Service – Interview with Alessio Quaranta



Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands. January 2024

JAA TO: Reflecting on Your Tenure: Looking back on your ten-year tenure as the Chairman of the JAA TO Foundation Board, what do you consider the most significant contribution to the organisation?

AQ: As JAA TO Foundation Board Chair I was able to witness a series of strategic advancements and milestones that have significantly contributed to the growth and prestige of the organisation. Two achievements, in particular, stand out as cornerstones of this progress:

Firstly, the 2014 recognition as the first ICAO Regional Training Centre of Excellence (RTCE; now Platinum Centre of Excellence (TCE)) in Europe. This distinction not only underscores the commitment to excellence in aviation training but also aligns with the highest global standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Achieving this status required a concerted effort to enhance training methodologies, develop state-of-the-art learning resources, and steadfastly adhere to the criteria set by ICAO. This accolade is not just a testament to the quality of training but also to the long-term business plan of JAA TO.

Secondly, the expansion of the training portfolio on a global scale has been a significant focus and achievement. JAA TO has successfully extended its reach globally offering expertise and training programs to a broader international audience. This global expansion is not merely a quantitative increase in operations; it represents a qualitative leap in sharing knowledge, best practices, and expertise in aviation safety and regulation with a wider community. As ICAO Platinum TCE, JAA TO’s role in shaping global aviation training standards continues.


JAA TO: Innovations in Aviation Training: Under your leadership, JAA TO has seen many innovative changes. Could you share a memorable innovation you are particularly proud of and its impact on aviation training?

AQ: JAA TO has indeed been at the forefront of numerous innovations in aviation training. One innovation that stands out is the expansion of security training programs. This initiative has significantly enhanced the skill set of professionals across the aviation industry, ensuring a more robust and comprehensive approach to security. Against the backdrop of technological advancements and complex risk profiles, even more training is needed to ensure smooth air transport operations.

Another key innovation is the facilitation of training paths for European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Member States. These initiatives enabled Member States to more efficiently and effectively meet their aviation training needs. Moreover, providing ad hoc training for ECAC Directors General has been instrumental in aligning leadership perspectives across our sector, thus fostering a more unified approach to industry challenges.

Additionally, maintaining a permanent presence of JAA TO at meetings organised by various international organisations proves to be successful and worthwhile. Proactive engagement not only amplifies the organisation’s branding but also ensures that company spokespersons remain continuously at the heart of international aviation discussions, enabling the team to adapt training programs to the latest trends and needs of the industry.


JAA TO: Digital Transformation: As digitalisation transforms every sector, including aviation, how do you think this has reshaped aviation training during your tenure?

AQ: Together with the innovations mentioned above, digital transformation has indeed reshaped aviation training making it more dynamic, responsive, and aligned with the evolving demands of the industry. The introduction of digital platforms and tools in JAA TO’s training programs has led to significant improvements in quality assurance through tracking and assessment ensuring a consistently high standard of education.

Further, personalisation of learning offers more tailored training experiences that cater to the specific needs and learning styles of individual trainees, as has remote access and remote learning. Perhaps the most transformative, these digital innovations have removed geographical barriers in unprecedented times enabling a broader range of participants to access training in a more effective and engaging way

The shift to digital also benefitted efficiency, cost optimisation and time savings in new course development. Trainees can access high-quality training with greater ease and lower costs.


JAA TO: Global Harmonisation of Standards: How important do you think is the global harmonisation of aviation safety and security standards, and how can JAA TO support the aviation world in fostering sustainable capacity and competencies?

AQ: The global harmonisation of aviation safety and security standards is of paramount importance. It ensures a uniform level of safety and operational efficiency worldwide, which is crucial in an industry that inherently operates without borders. JAA TO plays a vital role in this harmonisation process.

JAA TO training courses, recognised for their quality and relevance, are instrumental in equipping aviation professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement universally high safety standards effectively. By focusing on sustainable capacity-building and competency development, JAA TO not only aids in the immediate application of these standards but also ensures that the aviation sector is well-prepared to adapt to future challenges and changes in the industry.



Communications Contact

Karl Schreiber | Marketing & Corporate Communications Manager


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About JAA TO

The JAA Training Organisation (JAA TO) is a Dutch non-profit organisation and the Associated Body of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). JAA TO has a history of 50+ years training the aviation industry and national authorities on regulation in the air transport sector. JAA TO is the only Platinum Training Centre of Excellence (TCE) in Europe recognised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). JAA TO is an IATA Dangerous Goods CBTA Centre of Excellence, an ACI World Accredited Training Partner, recognized Dutch National Aviation Security Training Centre and a leading member of the EASA Virtual Academy (EVA).

JAA TO schedules more than 300 training courses annually on topics such as safety, security, drones and management. Within the aviation community, JAA TO offers a platform to learn and exchange views on latest regulatory developments. In addition, JAA TO provides advisory services, knowledge solutions, training consultancy and assistance with capacity building for (aviation) training departments.