Press release: JAA Training Organisation Officially Relocated to Schiphol-Rijk

01 July, 2019 - For Immediate release

The Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation has relocated from its historic roots in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, to a state-of-the-art training centre nearby Schiphol International Airport to accommodate their recent growth.

After 28 years of JAA history in the Dutch town of Hoofddorp, JAA TO bids adieu to its hometown by relocating to a larger training centre with upgraded facilities, stylish interior design, and more space to accommodate the growing demand for competency-based aviation training.

“JAA has come a long way from its founding objective back in the 1970’s. I believe we have really developed in concert with the needs of the aviation field. I joined as Chairman of the JAA Training Organisation’s Foundation Board shortly after it started operating exclusively as a training organisation and am delighted that we’ve been able to grow to this point. With the recent expansion, JAA TO is taking this opportunity to create a space for learning unlike anything else that exists in regulatory aviation training today. I’ve always had pride in the quality JAA TO has been able to deliver through its courses, and to be able to deliver these in an environment that meets the same quality for highest standards is going to make JAA TO even more effective at what it does.”
 – Alessio Quaranta, Chairman of the JAA TO Foundation Board, Vice President of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), Director General of Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC)

The Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) were among the first initiatives in Europe to harmonise aviation regulations between countries, back in 1970. Their objective was to maintain a cooperative safety regulatory system of the highest standards possible. At the same time, the JAA played the role as the European counterpart to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Today, the role of the Joint Aviation Authorities as a Training Organisation is to maintain a safe and secure aviation industry by capacitating aviation professionals and organisations with the skills and knowledge they need to work effectively and responsibly.

To celebrate this important milestone, JAA TO will be hosting a ceremonial grand opening for invited guests: including long-time aviation regulatory collaborators, and partners to JAA TO in the aviation industry. The ceremony will take place beginning 2020; final dates are still to be announced.


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About the Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA TO)

The Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA TO) is a non-profit Foundation providing regulatory training courses in multiple fields of aviation to help improve aviation safety worldwide and promote the understanding of existing and new European aviation regulations, as well as regulations based on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). JAA TO is an associated body of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). It is also a leading member of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)’s Virtual Academy, and an ICAO Regional Training Centre of Excellence (RTCE). With more than 500 training courses scheduled per year at the headquarters in Schiphol-Rijk, the Netherlands, as well as at various partner-locations worldwide, JAA TO serves as a platform for the aviation community to learn and exchange views on the latest regulatory developments. JAA TO also provides advisory services, including assistance with building capacity for training academies. Website:

Contact Info:
Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA TO)
Beechavenue 1 – 19, 1119 Schiphol-Rijk
+31 (0) 23 5679 90
Alex Presley, Marketing & Communications Officer,