This course will present the complete EMAR 21. It will address the approval process and under which conditions a Military Type Certificate, Military Restricted Type Certificate, Military Supplemental Type Certificate and a Military ETSO Authorisation will be issued by European Military Authorities. Military Design & Production approvals are also addressed.
The classification of changes and repairs will be explained, besides under which conditions changes and repairs are approved by European Military Authorities or alternatively approved by an approved Military Design Organisation.
The conditions under which European Military Authorities shall issue Military Certificates of Airworthiness, as well as the issuance of the Military Permit to Fly, will be discussed.
At the end of the training, attendees should have a good understanding of the complete content of EMAR 21, including:
- The responsibilities of the Military Airworthiness Authorities;
- The responsibilities of the Holders of these Military Certificates and/or Approvals; and
- The approval processes related to the issue of these Military Certificates and/or Approvals.
Course Content
All Subparts of EMAR 21 will be presented during this training course:
Section A - Technical Requirements
Subpart A - General Provisions
Subpart B - Military Type - Certificates and Military Restricted Type-Certificates
Subpart D - Changes to Military Type-Certificates and Military Restricted Type-Certificates
Subpart E - Miltary Supplemental Type-Certificates
Subpart F - Production without Military Production Organisation Approval
Subpart G - Military Production Organisation Approval
Subpart H - Military Certificates of Airworthiness and MilitaryRestricted Certificates of Airworthiness
Subpart J - Military Design Organisation Approval
Subpart K - Parts and Appliances
Subpart M - Repairs
Subpart O - European Military Technical Standard Order Authorisations
Subpart P - Military Permit to Fly
Subpart Q - Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances
Section B – Procedures for Authorities
Subpart A – General Provisions
Subpart B - Military Type - Certificates and Military Restricted Type-Certificates
Subpart D - Changes to Military Type-Certificates and Military Restricted Type-Certificates
Subpart E - Miltary Supplemental Type-Certificates
Subpart F - Production without Military Production Organisation Approval
Subpart G - Military Production Organisation Approval
Subpart H - Military Certificates of Airworthiness and MilitaryRestricted Certificates of Airworthiness
Subpart J - Military Design Organisation Approval
Subpart K - Parts and Appliances
Subpart M - Repairs
Subpart O - European Military Technical Standard Order Authorisations
Subpart P - Military Permit to Fly
Subpart Q - Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances
Who should take this course
Staff of Military Airworthiness Authorities, Military Design and Production Organisations but also staff of civil Production Organisations who intend to obtain also a Military POA.
Basic knowledge of the EMAR 21 Regulation and the associated AMC & GM.
This is a 2-day course, starting at 9:00 and ending at approximately 17:00 on both days.