The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations.
These new EU Regulations have an impact on how National Aviation Authorities (NAA) and Operators work and demonstrate their compliance with regulations.
The course will introduce the new regulations for business/corporate aviation. The course is ideal for any organisation that wants its management personnel to understand the implication of EASA NCC for itself and for the NAA overseeing it.
Note: This course is also ideally suited to be run at the client's location with the majority of the management personnel attending so they all receive the same information.
Course Content
This course will cover:
- History of European aviation regulations
- EASA rulemaking process
- EASA Air Operations - structure
- EASA Air Operations - cover regulation
- Annex I – definitions
- Annex II - Part-ARO, authority requirements for air operations
- Annex III - Part-ORO, organisation requirements for air operations
- Annex V - Part-SPA, Specific approvals
- Annex VI – Part NCC, non-commercial air operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
This course does not cover:
- Annex IV - Part-CAT, commercial air transport operations;
- Annex VII – Part-NCO, Non-commercial air operations with other-than-complex motor-powered aircraft;
- Annex VIII – Part-SPO, specialised operations
Learning Objectives
The course will introduce the new regulations for business/corporate aviation.
Who should take this course
- Operators and pilots of NCC aircraft
- Competent Authorities (NAAs)
- International Organisations operating in the European aviation environment or training for this environment
General knowledge of aviation.
2 days, starting at 09:00 on the first day and ending at approximately 17:00 on the last day.