Security is critically important to the success of an aviation organisation’s business operations. A SeMS is an assurance system for security and provides the necessary organisational structure, accountabilities, policies and procedures to ensure effective oversight.
An effective aviation security management system (SeMS) will provide day-to-day assurance that all security risks have been systematically identified and mitigated. A SeMS provides assurance beyond regulatory compliance.
SeMS is not yet a mandated aviation security management process. However, if an organisation has a SeMS which contains all the elements in the SeMS framework which are taught in this course, then it will significantly help the organisation to meet the internal quality control provisions of articles 12.13 and 14 of EC 300/2008.
The course will demonstrate how learners can establish a formalised, risk-driven framework for integrating security into daily aviation operations and organisational culture.
A SeMS will enable an aviation organisation to identify and address security gaps, risks, threats and weaknesses in a consistent and proactive way.
Course Content
- Introduction to security management systems
- Core principles of integrated security management
- Framework for an aviation SeMS
- Security of supply chains
- Management commitment
- Threat and risk management
- Accountability and responsibilities
- Resources
- Performance monitoring, assessment and reporting
- Incident response
- Management of change
- Continuous improvement
- SeMS education and security culture Communication
Learning Objectives
During the course, participants will learn:
- To analyse and evaluate the components of a SeMS framework;
- To design an outline SeMS for an aviation organisation;
- To establish security objectives and performance standards;
- To identify and apply a multi-agency threat and risk management process within the aviation sector;
- To define accountability and responsibilities with the SeMS;
- To establish performance monitoring, assessment and reporting arrangements;
- To create and evaluate incident response processes for dealing with aviation security incidents and emergencies
Who should take this course
Airlines, aviation authorities, ground handling, airport operators, suppliers, law enforcement, immigration authorities, aviation shopping outlets, aviation supply chain organisations
The course is targeted at anyone with aviation security responsibilities, so will be ideal for supervisors and managers.
Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop to the course to access course material which will only be provided in electronic format.
3 days