Conducting a technical assistance visit to CAPSCA Member States and Airports

Locations & Dates
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€ 531.00


CAPSCA is an ICAO global programme to improve preparedness/contingency planning and emergency response to public health events that affect the aviation sector, such as an influenza pandemic or a nuclear power-plant accident.

ICAO has worked closely with States, the World Health Organization, the International Air Transport Association, Airports Council International and other partners, to develop relevant provisions in a number of ICAO Annexes, i.e.: Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft; Annex 9 — Facilitation; Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services; Annex 14 — Aerodromes; as well as Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) — Air Traffic Management; and the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.

Course Content

Conducting a technical assistance visit to CAPSCA Member States and Airports is an online course developed by JAA TO and CAPSCA under supervision, and endorsed, by the ICAO TrainairPlus Programme.

The course aims to contribute to the ICAO Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) programme by developing a critical mass of experts for the global implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices  (SARPs) related to public health events and emergencies, and the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).

This online training will enable experts to become CAPSCA Technical Advisors by developing a standardised awareness and understanding of the methodology, aspects and requirements to assess and improve existing prevention infrastructure, and to propose ‎measures to eliminate deficiencies in preparedness to Public Health emergencies.‎

Note: If there are any questions regarding the course content, this can be asked to the expert by sending an email to cdu@jaato.com.

Learning Objectives

  • Contributes to the CAPSCA programme, for the implementation of ICAO public health provisions and emergencies and the WHO by developing a critical mass of experts
  • Cooperation amongst civil aviation stakeholders to improve preparedness/contingency planning and emergency response as proactive measure against public health events
  • Promoting and facilitating local/regional/international cooperation amongst States and Territories and between the aviation and public health sectors – a mechanism for pooling and sharing expertise and resources, also sharing communication/information/monitoring systems
  • Awareness training on ICAO and WHO Public Health Emergency (PHE) requirements
  • Gap analysis / assist Member States by providing advice

Who should take this course

Target Audience: Personnel involved in a CAPSCA Technical Assistance Visit

  • ICAO CAPSCA Regional Coordinator, WHO representative (WHO Regional Office (IHR), IHR Regional Contact Point, and/or Country Office), State Technical Advisors Team Leader/Deputy or Technical Advisor(s) from CAAs and PHAs trained by ICAO
  • Civil Aviation Authority (personnel from aviation medicine, facilitation, aerodromes, air traffic services, flight operations/standards/safety sections).
  • Personnel from the Ministry of Health/Public Health Authority, including IHR National Focal Point.
  • Airport personnel (from operations, medical services, facilitation, security, immigration, customs, port health, quarantine, ground handling agents, rescue and fire fighting services (RFFS), police, military, public information and media relations sections).
  • Air Navigation Service Providers (Air Traffic Controllers).
  • Aircraft operators (airlines personnel from operations, compliance, safety, medicine and facilitation sections).
  • Tourism Authority personnel.
  • Personnel from National Emergency/Disaster Response agencies.
  • Technical experts of international organizations (i.e. EASA, IATA, WHO and other UN agencies, etc.).


Participants must have 3 years of working experience in aviation medicine, emergency medicine, or public health


32 hours approximately

Locations & Dates
€ 531.00