Climate Change Awareness

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
Dates not yet confirmed
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€ 760.00

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The concern over man’s impact on the environment is now a major focus of public and political attention.  Climate change is probably the most serious of these impacts and is the subject of much debate and action at the international level.  This was particularly demonstrated by the landmark international agreement on limiting global emissions, reached in Paris at the end of 2015.

Like every other sphere of industry, the civil aviation sector faces calls to reduce its own environmental impact, which includes the contribution of aviation emissions to climate change.  The civil aviation community has made the reduction of engine and other emissions a high priority and is devoting much effort in this area.  Although most aviation organisations now have staff with specific environmental responsibilities, it is necessary that all those working in the sector are aware of this issue and what is being done to address it. 

This training course therefore seeks to give an easy introduction to the subject of climate change and to the related issues for civil aviation, without going into technical or policy detail.  Whilst it will provide essential information for those having environmental responsibilities, it is also intended for all members of the civil aviation community, irrespective of their role or organisation, so that they might understand why this is a subject that everyone should know about.

Course Content


Basic climate science

  • Man’s impact on the environment, including the greenhouse effect
  • Climate change projections

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): 

  • The Convention, its objectives and obligations
  • Mitigation and adaptation
  • Kyoto Protocol (scope and implementation mechanisms)
  • Subsequent developments
  • The 2015 Paris Agreement

Aircraft engine emissions and related impacts

Other aviation emissions (airport operations, manufacturing, etc)

Emissions reduction measures: 

  • Technical standards and technology development
  • Operational improvements
  • Market-based measures
  • Alternative fuels
  • Airport Carbon Accreditation Scheme

ICAO actions

Learning Objectives

On completion of the course, participants will have an understanding of the causes and implications of climate change, on the basis of the best current information.  They will have knowledge of how the international community is addressing this important issue, in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and taking steps to mitigate or adapt to climate change effects.  They will also understand how aviation emissions contribute towards this problem, why it is a priority for the civil aviation community and the measures which are being taken by the aviation community to address it.

An optional brief multiple-choice examination is available for interested participants who wish to test their knowledge gained as a result of the course.

Who should take this course

The course is intended for those working in civil aviation authorities or in the aviation industry, either in environmental management or in the development of emissions reduction measures, whether they be of the technical, operational or market-based kind.  Additionally the course would be of benefit to the individuals supervising staff with such responsibilities, in order to better understand the context of their work.


The course is given in English and will include the opportunity for discussion on issues arising from the content – indeed this is encouraged.  Participants should therefore have a good command of the English language and a basic knowledge of civil aviation.

Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop to the course to access course material which will only be provided in electronic format.


1 day, starting at 9:00 and ending at approximately 17:00.

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
Dates not yet confirmed
€ 760.00

Enter your e-mail address in order to receive an automatic notification when the registrations open.