ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS - Instructional Competencies

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€ 531.00

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This course is Part 1 of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Training Instructors Course (TIC), a two-part course which will enable participants to methodically conduct training courses in accordance with ICAO Instructor Competency Framework and develop the required training strategies for course deliveries.


Course Content

The first part will provide participants with instructional concepts, knowledge and techniques, as well as contemporary methods, which will enable them to prepare and deliver training courses in an efficient and effective way.

Learning Objectives

After having successfully completed parts 1 and 2 of the course, the trainees will be able to:

  • prepare the training environment, ensuring adequate facilities and equipment;
  • manage trainees through awareness of needs and characteristics
  • use an effective training strategy and demonstrate a variety of instructional methods;
  • assess the trainees using formative and summative evaluation
  • assess the training course and produce a comprehensive training report for continuous improvement
  • self-evaluate and identify actions for improvement

Who should take this course

- pre-service and in-service trainers with little or no formal training background;
- subject matter experts and specialists who wish to upgrade their instructional competencies; and
- senior instructors who wish to refresh and upgrade their trainer competencies and experiences.


See above.


Duration: 30 hours

Format: e-learning

Locations & Dates
€ 531.00

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