Auditing Techniques for Aerodromes

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
Dates not yet confirmed
JAA TO Virtual
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€ 1780.00

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The course starts with an introduction to the Total Aviation System and the general concept and techniques of Audits and inspection. From there on, one reviews some key aspects and areas to be audited on all aerodromes within an audit context. This means what to look for, questions to ask, assessment techniques etc. Another issue is to see the relationship of symptoms in order to find out what the underlying disease is. 

The issue of Runway Incursion Prevention and Limited Visibility Operation are used as a background for students to plan a joint audit of an aerodrome with special emphasis on Low Visibility Operation and Runway Incursion Prevention. This has been chosen as it would involve a high number of the issues reviewed so far, including the Safety Management System, cooperation and coordination between the different players on a total aerodrome. Furthermore, Runway incursions are still a safety threat that needs attention from all parties. 

It is emphasised that one will not go into all details, but maintain a reasonably high level view, in order to understand why we are auditing the different parts and how to assess the significance of the results. 

The course is based on the general Aerodrome course. However more time and detail are spent on auditing principles and practice. As for aerodrome specific issues these are only quickly reviewed within an audit context. 

The course starts with a short introduction to the Total Aviation System and definitions related to safety and Safety Management Systems. Principles and procedures for the management, planning, execution and follow-up of audits are covered next. This phase includes the concept of joint (interdisciplinary audits). 
A number of aerodrome issues are reviewed in an audit context and exercises are provided.

Course Content

• The Total Aviation System (Relationship between ICAO Annexes, Roles and responsibilities, tasks and tools of the CAA, the Aerodrome in a Total System context)
• Definitions related to safety and Safety Management Systems
Audit theory
• Auditing Aerodromes, management, principles and procedures, joint audits
Aerodrome aspects in an audit context
• Safety Management Systems
• Infrastructure and obstacle limitation surfaces
• Visual aids
• Rescue and Firefighting,
• Wildlife and Foreign Object Management
• Winter operations
• Operation in reduced visibility
• Runway Incursion Prevention

Learning Objectives

After the completion of this course, students should have achieved a basic understanding of the principles and practical aspects of auditing techniques related to aerodromes. The student will also have a fair idea of important issues to look into from a safety point of view.

Who should take this course

Individuals who are about to perform or manage audits of aerodromes, in a CAA or within the industry.


Knowledge of aerodrome issues necessary (some years experience or the Safety Regulation of Aerodromes, a Basic Course).

It is recommended that participants attend the Safety Regulation of Aerodromes, a Basic Course prior to attending this course.

Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop to the course to access course material which will only be provided in electronic format.


This is a 3-day course, starting at 9:00 on day 1 and ending at approximately 17:30 on day 3.

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
Dates not yet confirmed
JAA TO Virtual
Dates not yet confirmed
€ 1780.00

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