Dangerous Goods for (EU) Ramp Inspectors

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
29 November 2024 Available
JAA TO Virtual
Dates not yet confirmed
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€ 700.00


The JAA Training Organisation is now introducing a complete new one day Dangerous Goods practical case study application course for RAMP INSPECTORS, to fulfill their duties and responsibilities in relation to this part of Ramp inspections. The course may also be beneficial for NAA managers supervising these activities.

The need of this course comes from the fact that the Directive 2008/49/EC specifically requires: "candidates for qualification as SAFA inspector to possess the necessary aeronautical education and/or practical knowledge relevant to their area of inspection". These areas include special Dangerous Goods inspection items.

As such, this course 'aims to' teach practical skills for inspectors which will allow them to recognise whether the transportation of Dangerous Goods is safe, in accordance with the applicable regulations and, if not, what kind of corrective measures should be requested. The objective of the training course is to present a comprehensive practical case study on the relevant DG subjects contained within the EU Ramp Inspection Programme.

Participants will gain from this course a thorough understanding of the DG regulations, how DGs are transported, marked and labelled, how they can and should be inspected, and what kind of actions to request in case of non-compliances.

Course Content

The one-day Ramp Inspector DG Course is a supplement to the 4-day EU Ramp inspectors course and presents alone a practical case study for all the necessary items related to Dangerous Goods inspection within the EU Ramp Inspection programme.

The case study gives an overview of Dangerous Goods (DG). What it is, what are the related requirements, what is the overall process and who is involved in the transportation of DG. After this general overview, the class will be divided into real Ramp inspection teams and these teams will handle the case by fulfilling practical and technical inspection items in a practical “live” class facility with dangerous goods presented ready for carriage in an aeroplane. All of the case study elements are presented from the perspective of the Ramp inspector and addresses the applicable ICAO regulations, the inspection procedures including what to look for, where to inspect, and appropriate actions to take in the event of non-compliance.

By following this course, the participant will understand all elements from the KEY 10 IATA/ICAO training and he/she will know how to inspect these items in daily practice. To this end, the training course will present:

  • History of the regulations (ICAO Annex 18, Technical Instruction 9284, IATA DG manual) and general philosophy;
  • List of Dangerous Goods;
  • Specific responsibilities of airline operators (incl. training);
  • Acceptance and storage, inspection markings, labeling and marking;
  • Inspection documentation (i.e. shipper's declaration, NITOPIC/NOTOC/NOTAC, emergency schedules);
  • Storage and Loading Procedures;
  • Pilots’ notification;
  • Provisions for passengers and crew;
  • Inspection for damage or leakage;
  • Loading restrictions - Cabin and general (segregation, CAO labeled cargo);
  • Securing cargo;
  • Common SAFA Dangerous Goods findings;
  • SAFA DG inspection methodology  

Learning Objectives

Understanding the primary responsibilities and practical implications of the ICAO Technical Instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air in compliance with these instructions.

Who should take this course

  • EU Ramp (and other National Aviation Authority) Inspectors engaged in aircraft inspections whereby also Dangerous Goods (DG), carried onboard of the inspected aircraft, are part of the inspection scope
  • National Aviation Authority Managers supervising these activities


A general previous understanding of the SAFA inspection methodology and a working knowledge of the basic DG requirements is advantageous, although during the training all these elements will be addressed in detail.

Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop to the course to access course material which will only be provided in electronic format.



1 day (starting at 9.00 and ending at approximately 17:00).

Locations & Dates
JAA TO Schiphol-Rijk Netherlands
29 November 2024 Available
JAA TO Virtual
Dates not yet confirmed
€ 700.00